Fostering a common culture
of research integrity

The team

Batty Bathily

Administrative assistant

Batty Bathily
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Experienced in the administrative sector and assistantship,  and other sectors, Ms. Bathily recently graduated from the University of Panthéon-Sorbonne in 2022 with a degree in Law. She manages general administrative/office tasks as well as more complex administrative files. During her various experiences, she was able to acquire skills by working in several organizations, including some in London, which allowed her to perfect her bilingual profile. 

Carole Chapin

Project Manager

Carole Chapin
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Carole Chapin holds a doctorate in comparative literature from the Université Sorbonne Nouvelle. She has worked as a teacher, researcher and project manager at the university, then as a consultant and trainer for higher education and research institutions. She joined the Ofis team in 2021 as a project manager, responsible for international cooperation and the development of support and training resources.

Dora Chertier

Project Manager

Dora Chertier
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After several years as a project manager in the Hcéres institutional evaluation department, Dora Chertier joined Ofis as soon as it was established in 2018.

Marc Léger

Scientific Advisor

Marc Léger
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Marc Léger is a former legal director and research integrity officer at the CEA and a professor emeritus at the French National Institute for Nuclear Science and Technology.

Hélène Le Meur

Project Manager

Hélène Le Meur
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Hélène Le Meur holds a doctorate in Internal Geophysics from the University of Paris Diderot, obtained at the Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris and at the Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Paris. She has worked mainly in the written press, for 17 years as editor of the monthly scientific magazine La Recherche, and in the audiovisual field, as author of documentaries for Planète +, France 5, and Arte.
As deputy editor-in-chief of La Recherche, she notably directed the “science and society” pages. She has been particularly interested in the evolution of the life of research laboratories, in the rapid and massive changes in the modes of research production, in France as well as abroad, and in the rise of the question of research integrity at the heart of our societies.
She took up her position at Ofis in September 2021, responsible for the development of tools to support, share and disseminate information to promote a common culture of research integrity.

Stéphanie Ruphy


Stéphanie Ruphy
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Stéphanie Ruphy is a professor of “Philosophy and Contemporary Sciences” in the Department of Philosophy at the Ecole Normale Supérieure.
She has been the director of Ofis since April 2021, after having been a member of its advisory board (CoFIS) from 2018 to 2020.
Trained in philosophy (PhD) in the United States at Columbia University, she also holds a doctorate in astrophysics (Observatoire de Paris/Sorbonne University) and an engineering degree in aeronautics (ENSICA now integrated into ISAE-SUPAERO).
Her research is related to the general philosophy of science and is divided into three main themes:

  • Science, values, democracy. Governance of research. Citizen participation.
  • Research integrity, responsibility of researchers towards society
  • Scientific pluralism. Debate unity-plurality of sciences. Synergies between different knowledge systems. Naturalized metaphysics.

Stéphanie Ruphy was elected in 2018 member of The Academia Europaea and in 2017 member of The European Academy of Sciences. She is also a Chevalier de l’ordre des Palmes académiques (2020).

Picture credits: © Frédéric Albert / Pole communication ENS-PSL

Nathalie Voarino

Project Manager – Analyst

Nathalie Voarino
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Trained in Quebec, Nathalie Voarino holds a PhD in bioethics since 2020. She was a Research Integrity Advisor at the Fonds de Recherche du Québec, participating in the implementation and updating of their policy on responsible conduct in research. She has developed, through various research projects with normative objectives, an expertise in qualitative and participatory methods. She was the scientific coordinator of the Montreal Declaration for a responsible development of artificial intelligence (AI), a citizen deliberation that mobilized more than 500 people. She joined Ofis after completing a post-doctoral fellowship in law on the ethical governance of AI in a global health context, during which she contributed to the coordination and analysis of a project to study the normative leadership of the World Health Organization.