Research on research integrity has been growing since the early 1990s. From theoretical reflections on its definition to empirical studies on the incidence of misconduct, research integrity is becoming a proper research subject in several academic fields.
As part of its Resources mission, Ofis reviews every month the latest publications on research integrity. The results of this watch are summarised in a monthly bulletin that reflects the diversity of approaches, methods and disciplines that are mobilised.
The Scientific Watch is on pause
We are currently updating the format of the scientific watch, which will soon be available.
Find below all the bulletins on research on research integrity.
N° 12
February 2024
Focus: Environmental research: self-censorship among young scientists
N° 3
April 2023
Focus: Benford’s Law and scientific publishing
(only available in French)
N° 1
February 2023
Focus : Safeguarding science from political meddling
(only available in French)
N° 0
January 2023
Focus: ChatGPT and pressure to publish
(only available in French)
Keywords related to scientific integrity and related fields (research integrity, responsible conduct of research, etc.) are used in 4 databases (EBSCO, Web of Science, Science Direct and PLOS ONE).
The search is performed in both French and English.
Based on the reading of titles and abstracts, all scientific papers addressing research integrity matters are being considered. Opinions from researchers and preprints are also taken into account.
The primary objective of this scientific watch is to give visibility to research on research integrity. Not all the articles cited are necessarily read in full. We share articles even when they are not in open access.
This strategy is completed by the addition of relevant references cited in the selected papers or identified in parallel. Using an alert system, papers are often identified a few weeks/months after publication. Therefore, bulletins may refer to articles published before the current month.
Scientific watch requires processing a large number of papers and does not allow us to assess the editorial practices of each journal. If the practices of any of them seem questionable to you, do not hesitate to report it.LOS